实验室于9月27日邀请美国Texas A&M International大学Haibo Wang副教授前来实验室访问。王教授为理论所的全体师生开设了讲座,主要探讨计算社会学方面的研究进展,结合反恐网络、社会网络等当前的研究热点问题,讨论了如何用计算和数学的方法来研究复杂的社会问题。同时,王教授还担任我校计算机学院研究生高水平课程的外籍专家主讲老师。

HaiboWangreceived a Ph. D. in Production Operations Management, 2004 from The University of Mississippi. He is currently associate professor of decision sciences in the Division of International Business and Technology Studies, College of Business Administration at Texas A&M International University. He has received the scholar of the year award in 2011. He is guest professor and visiting professor of a number of institutions in China and guest editor of several international journals.
He has publications in such outlets asEuropean Journal of Operational Research, ,Computers and Operation Research, IEEE transactions on Control System Technology, IEEE transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Journal of Operational Research Society, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Journal of Applied Mathematical Modeling, International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, International Journal of Production Research,Journal of Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, Journal of Heuristics, Communications in Statistics, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, etc.